Rainy Spring Wedding But What a Party Vibe

Dress: Warterstradt Brautmoden

Venue: Schuhbauer's Tenne

Suit: Hirmer

Hair & Make-up: Brautstyling by Fruzsina

We started the day with lots of sun shine during the getting ready and the ceremony.. The ceremony was in a lovely small church in the couples hometown followed by the reception at the Tenne in Kirchdorf. The venue is a very pretty renovated barn which was a perfect match with the cold and rainy weather in the afternoon, because it was very cozy in the inside. Once the dinner was over the bride and groom as well as their guests changed into a smaller room of the location for the so called "Brautverziehen", which is a typical way of starting the party of a wedding in Bavaria. Within only a few minutes the party was in full swing - old and young danced together.